Showing Tag: "pollution" (Show all posts)

Kimberley Toad Busters and their carbon dioxide solution

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Tuesday, December 7, 2010,
Fellow travellers, there's no denying that our unique Australian environment needs protecting and nurturing. And wherever possible introduced pests should be compassionately dealt with so that they do not damage the delicate local ecosystems.

But being such a life affirming soul, I still find some of these culling techniques a little upsetting. Take, for instance, the use of carbon dioxide to euthanase cane toads, which has just been approved by the Department of Environment and Conservation. ...
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Are bikinis appropriate attire for a demo?

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Monday, November 2, 2009,
That appalling oil spill off the Western Australian coast has prompted a brave protest in which sassy sisters in bikinis covered themselves in oil and paraded in front of the Perth offices of the evil corporation responsible for the catastrophe.

While I heartily endorse the statement that these feisty feminist fellow travellers were making with their protest, did they really have to confirm the dominant paradigm of phallocentric lookism to make their point? While they weren't quite participati...
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"Civilization" causes mutation

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Friday, October 30, 2009,
Just recently a clawed snake was discovered in China. Now there has been another serpent-themed warning from Gaia. This time it was a snake with two heads found in Illinois. Significantly, it was in a drawer full of junk.

If that's not a clear condemnation of the appalling wastefulness of Western conspicuous consumption, I don't know what is!

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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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