Showing Tag: " violence" (Show all posts)

The boxer Tony Abbott and his fighting words

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Saturday, April 2, 2011,
Fellow travellers, we all know that white male Christian conservatives are seething with inner violence, determined to inflict as much damage upon women, minorities and non-human persons (animals) as possible. The perfect example is that Neanderthal budgie-smuggling pugilist Tony Abbott.

The man is clearly a concentrated ball of hatred and anger. It's obvious every time he appears on the television. There's the always confrontational body language, the patriarchal walk. And his language is jus...
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Anzac Day is a celebration of violence and the rape of Gaia!

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Sunday, April 25, 2010,
Fellow travellers, as we all know today is Anzac Day, surely the most racist, sexist, homophobic and Gaia-phobic ritual we Australians have (and we have quite a few!).

Really, why we still allow this grotesque festival of hate to continue is completely beyond me! I mean, it is nothing less than the overt and shameless glorification of war. High ranking officials actually line up to celebrate acts of mass murder, which peenie-waving patriarchs describe, in their usual deceitful way, as "acts of...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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