Showing Tag: " blogosphere" (Show all posts)

Herein I calmly respond to a right-wing blogger's death threats

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Friday, June 24, 2011,
In response to what were perfectly reasonable observations from myself and fellow traveller Jill Singer about the planet-killing behaviour of eeevil climate change denialists, the appalling Iain Hall has responded with something truly vile. In that offensively arrogant and sanctimonious manner that all conservatives seem to have, he has argued that we on the green left should "name our poison" and either neuter or kill ourselves to "make a real difference to the environment".

Needless to say ...
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Stephan Lewandowsky, sockpuppets and the murder of Alene Composta

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Monday, March 28, 2011,
In his usual swaggering manner the execrable Tim Blair compares fellow traveller Stephan Lewandowsky to Alene Composta, whom the good professor quite understandably took to be a real person.

Now, what's really depressing about Stephan's piece at The Drum is that it clearly shows that he too has now adopted the dominant narrative on Alene: That she was a blogging sockpuppet created with the sole and malicious intention of embarrassing the ABC. (Jonathon Holmes is another progressive duped by t...
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Alene Composta "suicide" faked by bloggers who killed her

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Thursday, March 24, 2011,
Fellow travellers, I'm sure many of you know of the final post on Alene Composta's blog. It appears not to have been written by Alene herself, but by her two sons. And from their writings we learn that Ms Composta had actually killed herself.

Well, some may say that this completely disproves my theory that she was a real person who was murdered by eeevil right wing bloggers who resurrected her online identity for their own abominable purposes.

I must admit that this latest revelation did flum...
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Back to blogging!

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Friday, September 18, 2009,
Fellow travellers, it is with great joy that I finally return to the blogosphere to resume my cyber-activism!

As you all know, I had blogged continually in the past. But ongoing cyber-stalking from the appalling Matt Hayden and other mean-spirited reich-wingers sapped my spiritual reserves until they were almost bone dry. And considering how rich I am in such karmic energy, that's saying something!

During a particularly depressing period, I was reminded of that Buddhist exhortation: surrender a...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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