Showing Tag: " aboriginal" (Show all posts)

The sexist sliming of Kim Sattler over Australia Day race riot

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Saturday, January 28, 2012,
It's truly disturbing to see how the hate media works, fellow travellers. After Tony Abbott brazenly incited the Australia Day race riot that put the Prime Minister's life in peril, they are now desperately trying to sheet home blame to Gillard's own office, as well as the union movement! The gall of these people simply beggars belief.

The accusations were first aimed at Gillard staffer Tony Hodges. That was bad enough. But now they are pointing the finger at union official Kim Sattler.

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The appalling Paul Sheehan's latest racist rant!

Posted by Derek Sapphire on Monday, January 3, 2011,
Fellow travellers, it must be remembered that Andrew Bolt, Tim Blair, Piers Akerman and Miranda Devine aren't the only reactionary, conservative columnists in the Australian media. Don't forget Paul Sheehan as well. The fact that he is still employed by our fellow travellers at Fairfax is one of life's enduring mysteries. I mean, they did manage to get rid of the (not very) Devine Miss Miranda, who's now peddling her hatred at that revolting News Ltd tabloid that simply doesn't bear mentionin...
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I am divine, but not in an elitist way

Derek Sapphire
Derek Sapphire

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